Attention Nurses: Department of Consumer Affairs Fraud Scam Alert An attempted fraud scheme is currently targeting licensees of the Department of Consumer Affair’s boards and bureaus, including the Board of Registered Nursing and the Board ...
Can a past conviction hold you back from employment and can you get your conviction expunged? Do you want to be competitive in today’s job market? It can be hard enough to stand out in ...
Can California Nursing Students Help During COVID-19? With the growing need for more nurses and health care professionals to assist with the overflow of COVID19 patients in health care facilities, the California Board of Registered ...
Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) updates program to include COVID-19 deaths / COVID-19 line of duty deaths. The outbreak of COVID-19 has presented difficult challenges for the entire world, as people from all walks of ...
Can your employer require you to provide your body temperature / submit to a temperature reading? The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, and thus is causing workers to navigate their rights in response to unprecedented ...
Nurses and healthcare workers have a fundamental right to a safe and healthy workplace, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 should be no exception. Full protection of healthcare workers is a fundamental and necessary part ...
Are you facing disciplinary action in California and grappling with a decision to surrender your license? Have you moved to another state and are you thinking about surrendering your license because you won’t return to ...
by: Nicole Valentine It would be an understatement to say that 2017 was one of the most rewarding years in my practice as a criminal, labor, and licensing attorney. Below are some of the most ...
Have you been served with a Notice of Interview? Has your supervisor directed you to meet him in his office to discuss your alleged misconduct? If so, it is critical that you contact an experienced ...
Last month, Federal District Judge Leon struck down an October 2013 Labor Department regulation that forces employers to pay home-care workers minimum-wage and overtime pay under the FLSA. A 1974 amendment to the FLSA exempted most homecare ...