The G Ventures Advantage Training and Education Series program of November 4, 2009, entitled “Essential Labor Relations trategies for Succeed in Lean Economic Times” is nearly full. The program creators Paul Goyette and Jennifer Coalson-Perez are very excited that there has been enthusiastic response to the program. The response is in part due to the fact that most public sector employees as well as human resource specialist lawyers, and other professionals recognize that the economic conditions they currently face are in many ways unprecedented. A “business as usual” approach no longer has any chance of success. Strategies that offer new ideas, innovation and big-picture thinking will provide your organization a foundation not to just survive but to thrive.
For information regarding the featured speakers or agenda and to find out how to book the last few spots, call Jennifer Coalson-Perez at 916-851-1900 or email her at [email protected]