Last Wednesday’s Advantage Training and Education Seminar Series was a success. Attendees included firefighters, sheriffs, police officers, management units and both employee and employer groups were represented.

Paul Goyette’s introduction; Leadership: The Essential Element to Succeed in Today’s Employee Association was motivational and applicable to everyone, he even received complements from our photographer and videographer!

Jon Hamm, the CEO of CAHP delivered a candid and honest presentation regarding the current economic State of the State as it pertains to bargaining units and associations. Jon was an engaging and incredibly entertaining speaker who kept the attendees fixated on some very daunting information.

The CalPERS speakers shed some light on the state of CalPERS and offered the ATES attendees some insight and valuable knowledge regarding their retirement plans and how stable they really are.

Gary Goyette managed to take the complex subject of the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and make the material entertaining, funny and manageable.

The esteemed Mr. Stephen Silver imparted over 40 years of institutional knowledge regarding bargaining in lean economic times and offered the attendees some invaluable advice regarding how to not just proceed but to succeed at the bargaining table even now.

Overall, the presentation was diverse, entertaining and above all, enlightening. The Advantage Series set out to deliver a program that offered a different approach to association education, we call it candid honesty. If bargaining units and public servant associations aren’t kept in the loop regarding the REAL state of affairs in this state, how can they do what is best for their members?

At the request of the attendees, The Advantage Training and Education Series will be offering DVD’s of the presentation for those of our associations who were unable to attend or for those who did attend who want to share what the learned with their colleagues and members. Contact Jennifer Coalson-Perez for information at [email protected] or call916-851-1900.

We are in the process of planning a Southern California Series for March. Check back often to find out the exact dates!