Sacramento State Police Officers were placed in an incredibly difficult situation and reacted with great compassion and restraint. On October 21, 2009, a tragedy occurred at A.R.C. Dormitory. Officers rushed to the scene to check on the safety of a young student who was severely hurting himself. When officers arrived on scene they opened the door to find a scene out of a nightmare.
One young man had beat his roommate to death with a baseball bat and subsequently attacked police officers with a large knife. Officers attempted to use less lethal force including a pepper ball gun but, after being charged at by an individual armed with a knife, officers were forced to fire their side arms in self-defense.
Given that, officers had fired their weapons in self-defense. There had to be both an administrative and potentially criminal investigation. Sacramento State Police Department contacted Goyette & Associates for assistance in representation.
Lauro Paredes, an attorney from Goyette & Associates responded within a half hour and assisted with officers over the next 8 hours as crime scene walk throughs and formal interview were conducted.
Goyette & Associates would like to give its respect to the brave officers of the Sacramento State University Police.