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Governor Brown’s 12 point pension reform plan that was released today outlines big changes to current and future public employees, including California state employees as well as employees of local governments, schools and special districts. ...
How Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan Affects Public Safety It appears that Governor Brown has offered some amnesty to Public Safety in his Pension Reform Plan released today at 11:00am, but public safety will be ...
Main Points of Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan 1. Equal Sharing of Pension Costs: All Employees and Employers 2. “Hybrid” Risk-Sharing Pension Plan: New Employees 3. Increase Retirement Ages: New Employees 4. Require Three-Year Final ...
Goyette & Assocaites Attorney Stephen Palazzo Prevails in Ralls Case The California Third District Court of Appeals grants Aaron Ralls’ appeal of the trial courts ruling. The appellate court orders the trial court to reverse ...
by Dr. David Swim With the World Series in full swing, the focus of the nation is on the pentagonal rubber slab known as “Home.” For the ideal game the pitcher could hurl toward home ...
A trip to the bathroom will not count against the employee’s paid rest break time. In California, an employee generally enjoys the privilege of using the restroom without the law’s interference. The California Division of ...
Top Ten List: WORK PLACE SURVIVIAL GUIDE We've promised you hassle-free, straighforward advice without the legal hem-hawing. There is no article that lives up to that promise better than this one by Joanne Narloch, one of ...
In a landslide, the City of Chico Classified, Technical and Professional employee unit voted to get rid of SEIU and recognize the newly formed Chico Employees Association as their new representative. 54 to 2 (in ...
People make mistakes. In most cases, responsible adults are often willing to admit they’ve made a mistake and are capable of learning from it and moving forward. While this may seem to be a simple ...