Stockton Bankruptcy Seminar:

How 506 Has Changed California’s Collective Bargaining

September 18th, 2012 11-5:00

Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, Downtown Sacramento

125 per guest including lunch




11:00-11:30         Registration


11:30-12:45         Where’s the Wall? – Lunch and Keynote

                                -review of 646 process and impact

                                -integration with 506


1:00-1:45              What Went Wrong? – Panel Discusses Getting to 506

                                -economy >national, State impacts, housing, sales, etc

                                -fiscal imbalance >planning, redevelopment, service demands, GASB

                                -labor agreements >long-term liabilities, pensions, health costs

                                -employer labor decisions >


1:45-2:45              What’s Going On? – The 506 process

                                -purpose to get agreement, roles of employees/capital markets/retirees

                                -confidentiality, good faith standard, equitable impacts

                                -mediator’s role and importance

                                -“The Ask” and its role as a preview pendency plan

                                -“negotiations” – distinction from MMBA to mitigation of pain


2:45-3:00              Break


3:00-4:00              What Can We Do? – 506 coalitions

                                -development and purpose of the coalition

                                -use and effectiveness

                                -maintaining the commitment


4:00-4:30              How Bad Is It, Really? – Chapter 9

                                -bankruptcy exists to void contracts and pay creditors in shares

                                -limit of Court authority in Chapter 9

                                -power of municipal decision-making

                                -nature of creditor group

                                -worst cases >void contract, reduce pension, delete retiree health


4:30-4:45              Who Can Help?

                                -question and answers

                                -follow-up services 


 To attend the seminar, please email Jennifer Coalson-Perez or call the Firm at 916-851-1900.