People make mistakes. In most cases, responsible adults are often willing to admit they’ve made a mistake and are capable of learning from it and moving forward. While this may seem to be a simple ...
How Do the Big Teacher’s Unions Get Away With Such High Dues? As a California public school student through high school, son of a public school employee, and a long time coach at a public ...
Allegations of misappropriation usually arise from a police officer or other public employee taking items that belong to the public entity or other persons and keeping these items for themselves. The misconception is that just ...
Failure of Good Behavior Causing Discredit to the Department One of the more common allegations imposed against Peace Officers, Correctional Officers and other public employees is “Failure of Good Behavior Causing Discredit to the Department.” ...
Successful Defense Against Incompetence A possible misconception many officer may have is that once they their basic training they will be found to be competent in all aspects of their job. In actuality and as ...
Sick Leave Abuse The recent economic recession is leading to a familiar scenario: Budget cuts cause an agency to reduce its staffing levels and no new hiring occurs. The agency resorts to minimum ...
What is the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE)? Attention Nurses, EMTs, Paramedics, LVNs, and all licensed health care providers! You should all be aware of and regularly check the Office of the Investigative ...
One of the most common forms of disciplinary action taken against public safety employees is a reduction in pay for a period of months. Generally this reduction will take the form of a 5 or ...
Response to Adverse Comments in Personnel File Disciplinary action can take many forms when it comes to public safety employees. Sometimes it is not as heavy as a suspension without pay or a demotion. Often ...
Many public safety employers have jobs that are “special assignments” and often require additional training or skills from the employee. To “reward” these extra demands, they will generally also be accompanied by a pay incentive ...