By Jennifer Coalson-Perez Why retain a professional license defense firm for a DUI case? Well, think about it this way: A firefighter, a nurse and a lawyer walk into a bar… wait- what, you haven’t ...
There is a trend among student RN’s in California, and it isn't the color of their scrubs. Student Nurses with DUI’s are finding that they may just have gone through nursing school for nothing. They ...
Tailgating at the Office Joy C. Rosenquist Think of a company Christmas party as tailgating. The ball game stadium is the office and the party is in the parking lot. Even though you’re partying in ...
Dear Mr. Dan Thomson: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prestigious legal assistance; my life has been so much better after you applied your skilled, competent, and oriented efforts on my behalf. ...
Dear Jennifer: You are the greatest! I have been in a state of psychic misery for the past three years--due to my D.U.I. After joining your RN Guardian organization I have had nothing but great spiritual ...
When it comes to filing accusations against registered nurses, the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is the big bully on the block. But even worse, this particular bully has minions to do its bidding, a.k.a. ...
RN Guardian’s Panel Attorneys, Goyette & Associates’ have recently represented a number of Nurses who have either withdrawn or been removed from the Board of Registered Nursing’s Diversion Program. G&A attorneys have actually begun advising ...
THE NEED FOR EMT/ PARAMEDIC LICENSE DEFENSE Over the last decade, approximately 400 complaints per year have been filed with the California Emergency Medical Services Authority against EMT and Paramedic Licenses. Based on similarly ...