DO EMPLOYEES HAVE ANY DUTY TO KNOW OR REPORT CA WAGE LAW VIOLATIONS? California wage and hour employment law is a web of statutes, regulations, and Wage Orders - - all clarified by published case ...
The Who-What-Where-When and Why of New Employment Laws Employers and employees have less than one month to become familiar with the requirements and benefits of the new California laws, effective January 1, 2012. We’re here ...
Tailgating at the Office Joy C. Rosenquist Think of a company Christmas party as tailgating. The ball game stadium is the office and the party is in the parking lot. Even though you’re partying in ...
Waiting Time Penalties; the ‘Wage and Hour’ Part of Terminations Which Employers and Employees May Not Think About (and Should Think About) When an employee is terminated, what are the concerns, phrases and legal questions ...
As the movement for pension reform gains momentum in Sacramento and throughout California public employee organizations need to carefully look at their message, much of which has not changed in many years. First, public sector ...
Many public safety employers have jobs that are “special assignments” and often require additional training or skills from the employee. To “reward” these extra demands, they will generally also be accompanied by a pay incentive ...
Written by Gary G. Goyette, Esq. For some employers, having their hourly, non-exempt employees work ‘off-the-clock’ (or "OTC" time) for no pay during periods of time prior to or following scheduled work shifts is a ...
Sacramento County has given us yet another piece of evidence that certain elected officials and managers of California government entities have devolved into nothing more than their own personal existence justification system. Over the last ...
• Juvenile Institution Officer was served with notice of a 5 day suspension without pay for neglect of duty and other employee conduct violations. Goyette and Associates Attorney, Alia Khan represented the Officer at the ...