“AWOL” Separation of State Civil Service Employees – dangerous reality or all-too convenient management tool? Anyone who has worked in a State para-military organization is familiar with the term “AWOL” or absent without leave. But ...
People make mistakes. In most cases, responsible adults are often willing to admit they’ve made a mistake and are capable of learning from it and moving forward. While this may seem to be a simple ...
Response to Adverse Comments in Personnel File Disciplinary action can take many forms when it comes to public safety employees. Sometimes it is not as heavy as a suspension without pay or a demotion. Often ...
Recently Sgt. Butler* received word that his rank as a correctional sergeant was being taken away and he was to be demoted to a correctional officer position. As anyone who has attained a supervisory rank ...
From supervisor to rank and file and back again Nursing Supervisor, Mario Lenzi recently found himself on the receiving end of a proposed demotion from supervisor to a rank and file position. Mario ...
Police Officer with Hayward PD was recently served with a notice of a 1 week suspension without pay in addition to a 1 pay step reduction for an entire year. The allegations giving rise to ...
Correctional Officer with San Joaquin County was recently given notice of a 3 day suspension without pay for allegations of sustained misconduct involving failure to appear for a subpoena. However, after the details were carefully ...
It's always a pleasure to put our best foot forward for our clients and we are grateful for those such as officer Madrigal who take the time to thank our Attorneys for all of their ...
• Juvenile Institution Officer was served with notice of a 5 day suspension without pay for neglect of duty and other employee conduct violations. Goyette and Associates Attorney, Alia Khan represented the Officer at the ...